Our services

Importing to Japan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur We travel to overseas trade fairs, negotiate directly with manufactures, and import products that have not been sold in Japan. Same as there are many good products in Japan, there are so many good products around the world.
Among them, we will select advanced products and interesting products and deliver to everyone in Japan

Utilizing crowdfunding

We are actively using crowdfunding which has been getting more and more attentions in Japan.
Also as it has a big promotion effect, it is very effective for test marketing. Moreover, as it is very effective for branding and media development, it enhances the product originality.

Sales channels

We will develop sales channels to reach as many people as possible through wholesale to volume retailers, collaboration with Japanese manufactures, online sales at EC sites such as Amazon and Yahoo Shopping.

Find us at the office

6-11-1303 Yanagawa-cho, Hakodate-shi
Hokkaido Japan
